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3 Reasons Your Home Needs a Hardwood Floor

Posted June 10, 2016

Refinishing Wood Floors North York

When it comes to floors for your home, you have a plethora of choices. Just looking at a list of flooring options might be enough to make your head spin. If you are seeking an excellent balance of function and appearance, you may want to consider hardwood floors for your house. Here are four reasons you should think about installing wood flooring in Toronto.


Wood floors can be absolutely beautiful, adding warmth and charm to your home. There are many different types of wood available in a range of shades, from pale to dark to vibrant, to match any preference or style of decor. If properly finished, your wood floor can provide a lovely, classic, durable boost to your homes aesthetics. Most styles come and go, but the look of hardwood bears timeless appeal.

Easy Cleaning

One of the benefits of installing wood flooring in Toronto It is relatively easy to clean. The process of cleaning a wood floor is not very complicated. Spills are easily wiped up and dirt and debris can be swept or vacuumed away. So long as you keep your floor dry and use only wood-friendly cleaning products, it should remain beautiful and in good shape.


If you live in a place with cold winters, you know how hard it can be to keep your toes from getting chilled. Wood tends to feel warmer and more inviting to the feet than many other kinds of flooring. It is also conducive to the use of under-floor heating, which may be a great way to stay warm and cozy all winter long.


Some studies suggest that indoor air quality is higher in homes that have wood floors. This type of flooring may be less likely to trap allergens such as dust, pollen or pet hair. If someone in your home has allergies or asthma, a wood floor may help improve the air you breathe.

There are many reasons you may consider installing wood flooring in Toronto. Whether you are in search of improved aesthetics, easier cleaning or healthier air, hardwood floors could be the right choice for your home.

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